Food Processing: Oil-Infused Cayenne Peppers
Food processing has become a recent hobby, especially using produce grown right in the garden! There's a bounty and I hate to see it wasted. I found some creative means of preservation! We've got four bushes of cayenne peppers growing. I don't know if they identify with the heat of the Louisiana sun, but they seem to thrive when most other plants are drying up. I harvested a bunch and brought them home. I used this recipe on Chili Pepper Madness ( ). Check it out for lots of tips about using chili peppers! So, they're home, they're washed and they're ready to be sliced. Pro-tip: I had a few cups of chilis to cut. I should have used gloves, or a paper towel to place over them, because my fingers burned a little after working with them. Not bad, but think light sunburn. Next step was into the oven for drying out. I turned the oven on really low and left the chilis th...