Exploration: Hotel Peter and Paul

Exploration: Hotel Peter and Paul
Location: 2317 Burgundy Street

This week, our Exploration was decided first to hear a band, Trendafilka. A women's acapella choir, Trendafilka (which means "wild rose" in an ancient Bulgarian language), sings a myriad of songs from Eastern Europe. Their performance was rich and deep, almost ethereal.

The venue space, Hotel Peter and Paul, is a unique space, too. It is divided into two parts. The first, an old church, is where the concert actually took place. With peeling paint and original hardwood floors, it not the image of typical beauty, and yet it is beautiful. It's untouched, preserved--a perfect setting for a choir whose sound is ancient and spiritual.

After the concert, we went to the other side of Peter and Paul, a renovated hotel, and to the bar inside of it. The backdrop of the bar is made to look like Cyprus trees, creating a dome-like effect, or like that you are standing at the base of the towering trees in a swamp. My one complaint was the air conditioning. I was glad I brought a sweater!


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