Exploration: Crown & Anchor

Exploration: Crown & Anchor
Location: 200 Pelican Avenue (Algiers Point)

Throughout most of New Orleans, you can feel a Mediterranean vibe, with special nods to the Spanish and French influence. There is one pub, however, whose inspiration comes from across the Channel--the English Channel, that is. The Crown & Anchor is an English Pub, set in Algiers Point, on the West Bank of New Orleans. To get there, Giselle and I ferried across the Mississippi River.

Although I had been there before, it's been awhile, so I decided it could still count as an "exploration" post. It's a small space with the bar immediately on the right as you come in. On the opposite wall is a long table with a bench and chairs and a few smaller tables. If, when you walk in, you were not to turn to the bar, there is a small walkway, along which I was delighted to see a few microphones. A guy was adjusting them, and had a guitar standing next to him, so I was able to guess they would be playing music that night. As I've said before, I love listening to live music.

To drink, I had a cider and Giselle ordered a Guinness. There were crisps available to eat.

For all my British-enthused friends, the Crown & Anchor seems to really be the local hangout for the UK's expats. I heard several Scottish and English accents. So for authentic charm, live music and decent prices, I give it a 3.5. 

A note on the décor: Yes, that is the Queen waving at you!


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